We’ve set out some terms and conditions for interacting with us on Social Media to keep our patients and staff safe, and maintain a friendly and welcoming environment for all.


Read our social media policy, which sets out our terms for your use of Wellway and Central Pharmacies’ social media community.

We have created some terms and conditions (the Rules) which set out the terms for your use of Wellway & Central Pharmacies’ social media community, which currently spans comments on Facebook and our Google business listings (the Community).

Please read the following Rules carefully, as they provide information about using the Community in a way that is respectful and lawful. By using, or submitting material to, the Community you agree that have read, understood, accept, and agree to abide by, these Rules.

The terms, conditions and policies that apply to specific social networks, such as Facebook, also apply to the pharmacy profiles they host. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with those terms and conditions before participating in the Community and we disclaim any liability associated with your use of those services, or for your failure to view or comply with their terms, conditions and policies. Where there is a conflict between these Rules and the terms and conditions of the relevant social media channels, the social media channels’ terms and conditions will prevail.


We strive to create dialogue with users of our Community and encourage you to share content via the Community in accordance with these Rules (Contribution). To help us do that, we try to monitor the Community during the times of 7am-11pm GMT, daily. 

We will try to check that all submissions to the Community comply with our acceptable use standards described below (Acceptable Use Standards) as soon as reasonably practicable after publication.

If in our opinion an individual makes use of the Community in breach of these Rules, we reserve the right to remove, or to disable access to, any Contribution, and to terminate, suspend or change the conditions of their access to the Community without prior warning. We also reserve the right to bring legal proceedings against any individual for a breach of the Rules, or take such other action as we reasonably deem appropriate.

We expressly exclude our liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of the Community by any person in contravention of these Rules.
While we try to moderate the Community, we are not legally responsible for any material posted by third parties and we may stop, or suspend, moderating the Community at any time.


  • The views expressed by any individual within the Community are those of the individual and do not necessarily reflect the views of Wellway and Central Pharmacies.
  • The content of our Social Media postings are intended directly to residents of the United Kingdom. We cannot be held liable for the validity of the information we share outside of this country.
  • Wellway and Central Pharmacies will not disclose any private, confidential or privileged information through its social media platforms due to the impossibility of confirming users’ identities. We can and will respond to general enquiries wherever possible, however patient-specific enquiries cannot be made through our social media platforms.
  • We cannot give personal medical advice to any Users of our Social Media community. To access free, confidential & professional medical advice; contact us via telephone, attend one of our pharmacies, or visit
  • We strive to keep our social media community informed and accurate, and any medical advice or information posted to the social media pages are accurate at the time of publishing. We will strive to amend or update any outdated information, however we cannot accept responsibility for reliance on outdated medical information found from old posts to our social media profiles.
  • Any advice or information posted to the Community should not automatically be accepted as true or correct. It is up to individual users to check the validity of any advice or information before relying on it, especially where the consequences of following it could be serious.
  • Wellway and Central Pharmacies may like, follow or subscribe to users or pages within online communities. This does not constitute endorsement and we cannot be held liable for information shared through other pages ‘liked’ or ‘followed’ by our social media profiles.


We want to create an open, caring and respectful Community. To help us do this, you agree that your use of the Community and your Contributions must:

  • be accurate and genuinely believed
  • avoid quoting out of context and include a credit for the original author as the source of material
  • comply with all applicable domestic, foreign and international laws that govern the content which makes up the Contribution

You also agree that your use of the Community and Contributions will not:

  • be defamatory, unlawful, obscene, offensive, hateful, abusive, inflammatory, threatening, invasive of anyone’s privacy, or otherwise objectionable
  • promote discrimination on grounds of race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, being a transsexual person, or age
  • infringe any intellectual property rights including copyright, design right, database right, patents, trade mark, moral or performer’s right or any other third party right
  • be likely to harass, upset, alarm or cause distress to any other person
  • contain an instruction, advice, or content that could cause harm or injury to individuals or to computers or systems
  • encourage anyone to commit any unlawful or criminal act or condone any unlawful or criminal act
  • give the impression that the Contribution emanates from Wellway and Central Pharmacies (or any of its employees) if this is not the case, or impersonate any person, or misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person
  • contain any advertising

Whenever you upload material to the Community, or to make contact with other users of the Community, you must comply with our Acceptable Use Standards. You warrant that any such contribution does comply with those standards, and you indemnify us for any breach of that warranty.

We will not be responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content or accuracy of any materials posted by you or any other user of our profiles.


We welcome users to our online communities under the age of 18, so long as they comply with age restrictions outlined by the software in use on making accounts and interacting using their platform.

We recommend that parents who allow their children to interact with our online profiles discuss online safety with their children first and that parents endeavour to monitor any use of the Community.


If you submit reviews to us through Facebook, Google Business Profiles, or any other Social Media outlet, you subsequently grant permission for Wellway and Central Pharmacies to share this review on promotional material, on our social media pages, on our website, or at our pharmacy sites. We may also re-produce any other public information that goes alongside the review, such as the name given, site visited, and the rating itself. If you wish for this information to be removed then please contact us at and we will respond as soon as possible.

Please also note that, in accordance with the Content Standards, you must ensure that any Contributions made by yourself to our online communities do not infringe any copyright, database right or trade mark of any other person.


Your privacy matters to us – our online profiles are managed by employees of Wellway and Central Pharmacies, or through trusted third-party advertising services, and no personal information from these profiles is disclosed or shared with any third-party providers or others outside of the company without your consent, unless we are lawfully required to do so. As noted under our ‘Important Points’, we will not disclose any private, personal or sensitive information via our online profiles. No patient information is stored within our Social Media profiles. Pharmacy patient information is only stored securely at our local sites, the only exception being sometimes we store your contact information online through secured severs to provide our enhanced services such as our 24-hour collection service.


We may revise these Rules at any time. You are expected to check this page from time to time to take notice of any changes we make, as they are legally binding on you and will apply to you from the date the change was made. You agree to accept and comply with any changes to the rules if you use the Community after the change is made.

We will always signpost changes to these rules at the top of this webpage.


These Rules are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English law and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with these Rules, their subject matter or formation. If any part of these Rules is deemed unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable then that part will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining parts.

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